Friday, August 13, 2010

Who is Jameson?

Since the day I decided to revamp our blog, I've been going back and forth about what I should post about first.  A project?  Tutorial?  Item from my shop??  Frankly, it's been a bit overwhelming and I've been putting it off!  Today I decided that I needed to start off with the most important part, my Jameson...

At many a craft show I've been asked the question "Who is Jameson?", and every time, my heart starts pounding and my mom and I share a sympathetic glance.  Then I take a deep breath, put on a smile, and reply with "It's my oldest son's middle name."  Which is true, and an acceptable answer to their question.  But for me, it goes much deeper than simply naming our craft business/shop after my son.

Our sweet little baby, who's middle name is Jameson, passed away when he was only 9 weeks old, for reasons only known by our loving Heavenly Father.  He came to our family with a purpose, brought happiness and joy, and touched more lives than I could have ever imagined.  His short little life, from beginning to end, changed who I am as a I think, how I feel, how I love, and even how I create...

I grew up being "creative" and "crafty".  I get it from my mom and my grandma.  That's the way my brain works, I just can't help it!  A few months after our son passed away, I needed something to keep my mind and hands busy.  "Creative" and "crafty" were the obvious solutions for me, and it was something that my mom and I could do together.  Project after project was created, to the point that our family started questioning what on earth we were going to do with it all!  Soon after, I heard about Etsy from a friend.  Then we researched some local craft shows and boutiques and we haven't stopped since.

We dedicate our shop to him, with love.  He's why we got started and our love for everything we make is why we continue.  We hope you love it too, we're happy to share. 

I am Amy...he is Jameson...and I send him my love...


Ginny said...

what a sweet post!!! good way to start my morning...bawling! :) you're crafty stuff is the best! We love being recipients of it!!

Jocelyn Christensen said...

This is excellent! Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...
